bottle terrarium - the perfect gift for all occasions

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Valentine's Day Special

Wine glass terrarium - $28

Cookie Jar (with removable lid) - $38

Cookie Jar (with attached lid) - $38

Flowers never last long and it gets boring receving them year after year. Surprise your loved one with a bottle terrarium this Valentine's Day!

Our bottle terrarium contains various species of fittonias, which are best kept in a moist area with mild sunlight. Thus they do particularly well in terrariums – a mini eco-system by itself consisting all the vital elements that plants need to survive with minimal care. Just place your terrarium in a well-lit place away from direct sunlight and keep the water balance in check.

There will be some condensation on the glass on the side away from the light source and some clear areas without condensation. Add a little water to it if you see no condensation on the side. If the entire glass is heavy with condensation, remove the lid and let it open for a day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All time favourites

Check out our bottle terrarium here. The perfect gift for any occasion. housewarming gifts, birthday gifts, or even Valentine's Day gifts.